Pet Loves

This is a very small section! I'd better fill it out a bit more later, otherwise people will only see the negative side of my personality!


How can you not admire a country whose first line of the constitution promotes tolerance of almost everything except intolerance?

Dutch is also a nicer language than German, although it does seem to involve a certain amount of phlegm where the letter G is concerned.

Amsterdam is also quite an interesting place :-) and they speak English better than most South Londoners.

Thais, Czechs, Russians

Yummy! See List of Cuties for details.


Belgium is very under-rated. OK, so the politicians might be a bit dodgy and the economy somewhat strained, but the people are incredibly friendly, the food is wonderful (when they keep dioxin out of it) and the architecture can be magnificent. Bruges is a giant chocolate shop!

British Television

Despite what Americans and fellow Kiwis tell me, I still believe UK TV is the best in the world. The political programs are very interesting ("Question Time"), and the comedy can be divine ("Goodness Gracious Me", "BlackAdder", "Red Dwarf") or dire ("Men Behaving Badly"). With "Queer as Folk" we got some sexy scenes and a great sales pitch for Manchester as the style capital of the North of England. Channel 5 proved that 4 channels is sufficient for one country :-)

American TV is either no-budget (cable) or ridiculously censored. Australia and New Zealand just don't have the depth of quality, although they can produce some quality programs ("Hanlon") and a lot of tacky but fun ones ("Xena Warrior Princess"). Canadian stuff is quirky, but there isn';t much of it. Other countries speak less English :-)


There is a lot to love about London, and here are a few things:

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